AEHHPS members representing the assocociation
participate on conferences, seminars and workshops dealing with Ethiopian community health development and global prevention
of HIV/AIDS. Members present the work of AEHHPS either as papers, posters or oral presentation.
1- The XIII-th international conference
of Ethiopian studies. Kyoto, Japan, 12-17 December 1997. Oral presentation.
Wubshet Mamo, Jember
Teffera, Birkenesh Begashaw & Mohammed Moussa (1997). The significant contribution of community development projects in
improving community health. An experience from an Integrated and Holistic Community Development Project in Ethiopia. In: Ethiopia
in Broader Prespectives, Fuku. K, Kurimoto. E and Sheigeta M (Eds), pp 721-725, ISBN:4-87974-978-8 C3039.
2-The First International Conference
on AIDS in Ethiopia. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, November 7-10, 1999. Oral presentation.
Wubshet Mamo, Birkenesh Begashaw,
Fikru Maru, & Binyam Wondimu. (1999). The Role of Ethiopian Health Professionals residing abroad in the Battle against
HIV/AIDS Pandemic in Ethiopia. An Applicable Model?
3- The Journal of American Medical
association (JAMA). JAMA, Vol. 282 No. 22, December 8, 1999.
"Helping their homeland".
Article on the efforts of AEHHPS in Ethiopia.
4- Workshop of European partenariat
between African communities and health partners for HIV/AIDS prevention. Stockholm, Sweden, September 28-30, 2000. Paper presentation.
Wubshet Mamo, Fikru Maru &
Biniyam Wondimu (2000). Ethiopian Health Professionals in Sweden in the Battle against HIV/AIDS Pandemic in Ethiopia: An Experience
from the Association of Ethiopian Health Professionals in Sweden (AEHHPS).
5- VI-th international workshop
of European partenariat between African communities and health partners for HIV/AIDS prevention. Madrid, Spain; January
10-13, 2001. Oral presentation.
Biniyam Wondimu & Wubshet Mamo
(2001). "Cross actions" between sub-Saharan Africa and Europe on the prevention of HIV/AIDS: An experience of The Association
of Ethiopian Health Professionals in Sweden (AEHPS) in Ethiopia.
6- XV International AIDS Conference.
Bangkok, 11-16 July 2004. Poster presentation.
Wubshet Mamo & Biniyam
Wondimu (2004). The role of African health professionals in Diaspora against the spread of HIV/AIDS: Experience & a model
from Ethiopia. MedGenMed. 2004 Jul 11;6(3):E10679 [eJIAS. 2004
Jul 11;(1): E10679] (
Three of 4 AEHHPS members who took part at the International AIDS
conference in Addis Ababa, Nov 7-10, 1999. Left to right: Sister Birkenesh Begashaw; Almaz Wondimu (not AEHHPS); Dr Wubshet
Mamo; Dr Biniyam Wondimu, Dr Fikru Maru (not in the picture).