Welcome to the pictures gallery. We hope that this will give you a brief idea on AEHHPS and assisted activities.
On the HIV/AIDS prevention program special
attention is given to the so-called "window of hope", children of 5 -15 years of age and education on HIV/AIDS is given
in schools for these children living in the projected communities.
Education on STD and HIV/AIDS is
given to the different community members by using the already existing community structures. Information to adults and parents
is given at community meetings like "Edir", women's association meetings, and parent meetings at schools and information materials,
drama, song and poetry as well as "testimony" from individuals living with HIV is used to initiate discussion around the problem
of HIV/AIDS within the community.
Youth gathering on the "World AIDS day".
It is one of the days that are utilized to the maximum by the health center. It is always well-organized informative
day and attracts the participation of community leaders and politicians, adult and children, and even the mass media.
A typical house in the project area.
The project is operating in one of the poorest areas, near Teklehaimanot parish in Addis Ababa and has over 42,000 inhabitants.
Another typical house of the poor
inhabitants of the community.
Children under 10 years of age living within the projected
community singing anti HIV/AIDS songs on the "World AIDS day" for people within the community and from the
other communities as well.